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Meet the Team - Lydia

Posted by Verity Johnston on


Lydia is one of WN2L's fabulous distance models. You'll have seen her on product pages and across social media. I love seeing her pink hair and smiley face pop up in my feeds! 

I asked Lydia a number of questions and here are her answers. Read on to learn more about lovely Lydia.

Verity xx


Where in the country are you from, Lydia? 

I live in Scotland, UK.


Do you have any pets?

I don’t at present, however I have been the loving owner of cats, dogs, guinea pigs, tortoises, racing pigeons and gold fish in the past!

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

In my spare time I love to read (avidly) and am a member of an online book club. I'm also a charity volunteer. I love live musical theatre and creative writing.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I love watching Gone Fishing: Whitehouse and Mortimer on repeat!

What colour do you like to wear the most and why?

I love pink it! It just seems to suit my colouring and is a happy, joyful colour. It instantly brightens my mood.


What is your oldest item of clothing?

I still own a dress from the 70’s! It no longer fits but it brings back memories of my time as a “Dancing Queen” when I look at it! 


What is your most worn item of clothing?

Brightly coloured kaftans and kimonos. So much freedom!


What do you do to take care of yourself when life gets a bit much?

I have a room in my garden. A” she-ed”. It's a little sanctuary with twinkly lights, where I can sit and look out at the garden in all weathers, drink coffee, write, read and play my favourite music...bliss!

What fashion trend do you wish was still popular?

I did love maxi skirts, however, I feel that now, in 2024, there is no real trend and everyone can wear what they like!

What’s something you’ve accomplished that you’re super proud of?

My biggest accomplishment is my family. I am so proud of them. I am also proud of myself for setting up my own business whilst overcoming personal challenges. I am still working and devoting my time and energy to activities I am passionate about.

What’s the best piece of advice someone has ever given you?

“Self love is the beginning of a life-long romance”.


 What's the worst piece of advice you have ever been given?

“What YOU should do/be!!….”

What qualities do you value most in a person?

Loyalty, self-respect, honesty and integrity.

Who inspires you the most?

My husband who is a cancer survivor and has MS. He is a true self-sacrificing warrior!

If a friend was upset, how would you cheer them up?

By saying “I'm here for you” …and meaning it by following through. By listening and being there for them whether they want to have a chat, cry or have a cuppa in confidence..

What would you tell your teenage self if you could?

“What other people think of you has absolutely nothing to do with YOU…so go and live your best life and do what you want to do… and be who you want to be!…".




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