Why you should convert to one size clothing!

Why you should convert to one size clothing!

Ladies, don't let a number dictate your style!

One size clothing (sometimes referred to as free size) is so popular right now and with good reason. Do you try on clothes of the same size in different shops and find that some fit and some don't? Even though numbers don't matter, none of us wants to have to go up a dress size in some shops when you don't need to in others. Whether we admit to it or not, it can be distressing.

Enter one size clothing..... now you don't have to have to focus on that little number because our clothing isn't sized! Designed for style alongside comfort, one size clothing is available in exactly that. One size.

What are the benefits of one size clothing?

Apart from the wide variety of choices available, it allows room for more shapely curves without having to limit yourself on style. Generally, one size clothing is French and Italian designed which means you can keep up to date with the hottest trends and looks coming directly from our European neighbours. If that isn't enough, there are massive benefits to shopping one size clothing online. Due to the broad range of sizes that it fits, you are less likely to have to return your item because it's ‘too tight’ here or ‘too loose’ there.

Is one size clothing only suitable for plus sizes?

Absolutely not. At What's Not 2 Love, we carry lines that are suitable for sizes 12-30 but that's not to say that every item will fit every body. To help you find the perfect garment, we have provided a size guide in the description of each item to give you an idea of whether or not that item is a good fit for you AND you can sort through all our products by size range! Does it get much better?!

What's Not 2 Love chooses designs based on a number of qualities and considerations to accommodate all shapes and sizes. We understand the desire to hide certain bits and highlight others in order to show off your beautiful figure.

You are beautiful!

We want you to make the most of what you have, because you are beautiful. No if's or buts, we are all beautiful no matter what size, shape, height or age and we want you to truly feel it! Your style is all your own, whatever you choose to wear and we're here to help you achieve that. Not everyone 'fits the mould', nor should you have to. If you love it. Wear it.

So you've made it down to here, which means one size clothing is definitely for you! Why not give it a try now and take 10% off your first order using the code ONESIZE

Happy shopping ladies!

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