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New year, new start! Plans for 2020....

Posted by What's Not 2 Love on



2020 has arrived and with it, a fresh new outlook. You'll have seen that we've made a few changes recently and have plans for a couple more! So we wanted to keep you up to date.

We've switched from teal to pink. Pretty obvious, right? We feel that the pink suits us better. What do you think?

So, on a more serious note, 2019 brought the condition of the planet into sharp focus and we couldn't just ignore that. We wanted to start making changes to how we run our little business so that we can do our bit and in turn, help you do yours!

Our first step was to figure out a way to lessen the damage caused by sending out orders in plastic packaging. We toyed with the idea of paper packaging but settled on a pretty wonderful, sustainable and carbon neutral, sugarcane option.

Find out about our new packaging here.




We have also introduced a new range of high quality, Reusable Shopping Bags. Colours and prints to suit everyone. Perfect for slipping into your handbag to avoid plastic carrier bags! And at affordable prices too.


Looking to the future, we have plans to introduce 2 new ranges of beautiful products to our collections which we're VERY excited about! But more on that to come soon...

So, it's already been a busy couple of weeks for us at WN2L HQ and we'd love to know your thoughts. Would you like to see more of something? Less of something? Or just tell us what you like or dislike. Your feedback is so important to us because our website is your website so if you're happy, we're happy!

Anything at all.....drop us an email at


What's Not 2 Love Team xxx




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